Thursday, May 23, 2019

RTS_17 "Diplomacy & Player UI"

This update was entirely created as getting together all the features necessary to work on the next update, so stay tuned for that!

Diplomacy is obviously very important in any game like this since most multiplayer features such as war, trade, etc. will be handled through it so I decided that it was time to add it, but before I could do that I'd need to add some more things to the player's UI, so I did just that:

The player is now able to end their turn from within the game instead of only inside of the editor. This update also includes 2 new buttons, a research button, and a diplomacy one. The research button is just a placeholder for now but I thought it was important to have so that I could get a better understanding of how the final UI will look. And so far I'm liking it. Along with those is a test minimap which sometimes clips parts of the map, but is also just an experimental feature to get a better feel for how the game will look in the end.

Now with that initial UI out of the way, I can move on to diplomacy:

Currently, the only action is to declare war:

I also spent a good portion of time reducing the space taken up by various parts of the game. This will help reduce RAM & Hard Drive size as well as optimize the game to use less data over the network when I get around to adding multiplayer.

There were also several bug fixes & balancing patches made to the game, I usually don't point these out since the game is still in development but I think these ones in particular, are of note. In previous updates, you may have seen building icons/player icons render over the City UI so that has been fixed. I've also increased the amount of food produced by a farm from 2 to 3 which helped balance how many farms were needed to sustain the population of a city.

Blake Gillman

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