Sunday, May 26, 2019

RTS_18 "War, Melee Military Units & New Unit Icons"

Declaring war is now on the table! It's now fully functioning and that means any units owned by that player become enemies. Which means it's finally time for the first war aspects of the game!

Units have different attack numbers. Right now warriors can only attack once per turn but I can imagine other troops in the future that might be able to attack multiple times per turn so I've left it in as an optional feature in-case I ever create a unit that does.

Melee units when they kill another unit will enter the tile of the unit they killed. Balancing combat is going to be very difficult but I'll post my math so far at the end of this post, but I expect that terrain will play a large role.

Now, right now workers, settlers, and warriors are all using the same unit visual. But they each have had an icon overhaul:

Once again, I want to keep updates pointing toward the final product now that I have many of the core features in, so it's nice to have high-quality icons now.

This is exciting! You'd think that the obvious next thing to work on would be ranged units but I'm finding testing to be more and more important as development moves forward so I want to work on moving more features out of the editor and into the game. So for the future, I want to work on the main menu & automatic settler placement.

Blake Gillman

The Math So Far
Base Modifiers:
-3% damage when attacking

Terrain Modifiers:
+10% damage when attacking from a hill
+10% damage when defending on a hill

Type Modifiers:
-20% damage if you're a siege unit attacking a unit
-40% damage if you're a normal unit (not siege) attacking a building
-60% damage if you're a normal unit (not siege) attacking a city core

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