Friday, May 17, 2019

RTS_15 "Unit Spawn Building"

So far I've been barely keeping ahead to keep these updates released on time but after that 1-week vacation, it all just fell apart. I've been very swamped with work and everything else I had to catch up on, but now I'm back!

And looking back I realized that I've spent a lot of time polishing things but have neglected to add many new features. So before I go on a polishing spree again I want to lay down some more fundamental mechanics! And where better to start than unit spawning?

Since there are only 2 units in the game right now (Worker/Settler) I decided to make a "Worker's Hut" which is just where you spawn workers. Spawning units is done from the city screen where you can see each building and what units you can spawn, as well as which units are in queue to spawn:

So having units able to spawn in is exciting and moves us a lot closer toward having all the fundamental features here, so it's a huge relief to finally have it done. Now, my usual template for these updates is 2~3 features/things per update but you guys have waited long enough so this and the next update are going to be 1-feature updates so that I have time to get back to writing normal ones again.

I had forgotten how much work it was making the game as fast as I was, I have no idea how I did it! I worked all night to get this one to you guys so by the time this comes out I won't have even begun working on the next update, so we'll see how it goes!

Blake Gillman

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