Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Project Breach

(Copied from a Discord announcement on March 7th, 2021, put here for archival purposes)

What is Project Breach?
Project Breach is a 2D top-down tactical game where you control a squad in a destructible environment.

How far are you?
The game is already over 13,000 lines of code. For reference, They Can't Stop All Of Us when last I worked on it had ~14,000 lines. That doesn't mean I'm almost done, far from it, it just shows you how much work has already been put into it.

How are things visually?
Visually the game is intended to look similar to Rimworld & Prison Architect. Right now the game is just using test textures I made, so nothing fancy.

Any cool features so far?
The first 11,000 lines of code written weren't even for gameplay yet. It was all the backbone required to start on that:
1) Epic Map Editor
2) 100% mod support. The game's default content like maps, enemies, etc. are all written as a mod called "Default". That means you can not only see how the game was made, but every tool I have access to, you do as well!
3) Biome Editor (Design biomes so when you start a new map, you have things already in the map to start with).
4) The most powerful voxel engine I've written to date. Chunks can be quickly rendered & modified.

Unlike King & Country, these aren't "Future features", these are here now!

Is it multiplayer?
Yes! The game's main focus is PvE & the campaign. But there'll also be a PvP mode.

Post-release content?
I don't like making any promises but I would like to fit in a co-op campaign. I don't think I'll have time/resources to do it for the initial release so that's something I could see adding after the game releases.

Will it cost money?
Yes. I'm not sure how much but I'm planning on it being inexpensive.

Can I pre-order?
No. I've never been comfortable with pre-ordering since I sometimes switch projects. So maybe once the game is actually done & like a month from release, then I'll consider it.

When can I expect updates?
I plan on posting to my blog again, not only to keep you guys updated but so that I can have an archive of progress as I move along.

How far is the gameplay?
Most of the work so far has been on the map editor, voxel engine, etc. Gameplay right now is that you can connect to a server, spawn units, and order them to move around as well as queue orders. So when I start giving out updates, you'll be able to see gameplay being developed since I've already done all the boring back-end work like mod support, map editor, and the voxel engine!

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