Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Copy of Discord announcement

(Copied from a Discord announcement on March 1st, 2021, put here for archival purposes)

I'd like to do an important announcement. I know you guys haven't heard from me regarding the game I'm working on in awhile, and that's somewhat been intentional. If you've followed my work for any length of time, you know I end up switching projects a lot before landing on one that I actually end up finishing. So to some of you this may be a shock, but to some of you not: King and Country has been cancelled. I lost my job in October and had to fire the level designer & artist who was helping me with the project. And when I could no longer afford help, the project became too large to do on my own. The project was put on hold then. So why are you just now hearing about it? Because I wanted to have something else in the works before announcing the shutdown. Because when I start taking up new projects, it's possible for me to start & stop a few before I land on a really good one and I didn't want to get a "Hey I cancelled the last, here's the next" announcement every other week because I thought people might leave & think I'd never finish a project, even though starting & stopping until I find a good project is normal behavior for me. So I'm sorry there's been a lack of updates, but I hope you guys can understand my concern & why I wanted to wait to announce it.
3:53 PM
@everyone So now that that's out of the way - I went back to the drawing board and decided I wanted to start on a new project. One that if I were to run out of my money or not be able to get help on, that I could still complete on my own. So I've worked on a few different ideas since then, but I think I've really landed on one that's going to stay - which is why I'm ready to make this announcement. It's called "Project Breach" and it already has many great features. It's 2D, its using a voxel engine I wrote in Unity, it already has a map editor & mod support. I'm really excited about it, and I'll be sharing more later. I know that you guys were really excited about K&C but I'm hoping to make it up to you with this new project. Now that you all know about it, you can expect regular updates & more details very soon! Believe me, no one is more sad for K&C to be over than me. I spent over $6,000 working on it. But I just can't do it on my own, and I can't risk so much of my income on big projects like that anymore. I think this is for the best, and I think this is going to be a great new project moving forward. I also think you guys will be excited once I start sharing all of the details :heart:. Thanks for sticking with me! -Blake

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