Sunday, November 10, 2019

WOTS_2 "Loading maps in-game & basic player movement / animations"

One of the main things I didn't like about the map editor was how unfriendly the UI was. It was straightforward as I had intended it to be, but it just felt claustrophobic. So I redid the bottom bar:

I modeled the new bottom bar UI after SimCity 2013 which I thought was a great way to do it. You now also have "Nodes" although the only one is the player's spawn point.

Most importantly, I wanted to be able to test these maps out so that I could start working on gameplay. So I worked on making so maps could be loaded in-game instead of just the map editor, along with a test player:

So far this should all be mostly synced over the network which is important to work on as I make the game. I also worked on polishing the player's arms which included making the weapon swing when you moved your screen around:

And also both walking & running animations were implemented:

So that's it for this update, new UI, maps can be loaded in-game, and the player has some basic polishing done!

Also if you're curious about the map, this was a map made in the map editor so that I could see what it was like to try and make a map with it & where the editor needed improvement. It's made up of 254 objects and not very big. Because the map editor uses up so many objects it's likely I'll late have to work on a system for combining objects for optimization but that's a bit of ways off.

Blake Gillman

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